Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's raining... book covers!

I have two fancy smancy new book covers to show off this morning... just a little something sparkly and new to make your Tuesday that much better! The first you may have already seen, as I debuted it last week on the blog and Goodreads. That would be the cover for the second book in the Wedded Women Quartet, A Ravishing Redhead, coming to an Amazon near you on May 1st! 

A Ravishing Redhead (Wedded Women Quartet, #2) 

Isn't she pretty? That's Margaret, the feisty redheaded heroine you will get to meet when ARR hits kindle. Personally I like to line up ABB (the first book in the series) and ARR side by side to get the full effect. Kind of like this:

A Brooding Beauty (Wedded Women Quartet, #1)  A Ravishing Redhead (Wedded Women Quartet, #2)

I can't wait to see what all four covers look like when the quartet is finished! Very exciting. Now on to the big reveal... dun dun dun! As you know (if you read the blog or follow me on Goodreads) I will be releasing my first YA novel this May. I have been having MAJOR cover indecision, but... but... but then this happened and now I think I'm in love. 

After Ever 

It's everything I ever wanted for the cover of After Ever but never knew quite how to explain. Kind of like with my florist consultant for my wedding... I know what I want... I just can't tell her, so we had a lovely discussion about purple (PURPLE!) mason jars where upon I promised to bring in some pictures next time. But anyways. 

So those are my cover reveals of the day/week/month. Hope you enjoyed them! 


  1. I like all of these covers especially the one for A Ravishing Redhead. Really Stunning. I like the one for A Brooding Beauty too, but I've actually seen it before. It's the cover for When Fate Dictates by Elizabeth Marshall.

    If you're looking for good cover art, I am in love with the cover art by Phatpuppyart. I think she's done all the covers of author Samantha Young. I also like the cover art by Katie Dahlberg. She isn't an official cover artist (yet) but she makes "fan-made covers" of books she likes and I think they are all amazing!I'm not sure where she gets her pictures from though because I have recognized a few. I also love the work done by Erin Fitzsimmons, the cover artist for Delirium and Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver (and other books). I don't know what it costs to get a cover done by these designers but if I ever write a book and these designers are still around I'll definitely consider them,if they're not too expensive. And if they are, I hope I'm rich LOL. You should also check out Shelf Candy Saturdays, a meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews that spotlights book covers and their designers. I love it.

    WOW this comment is long :).

  2. I didn't realize it was used in WFD by Elizabeth Marshall. Bummer! I guess that's the risk you take when you buy pictures off stock websites -- anyone can do the same :)

    I have checked out Phatpuppyart and will definitely consider them in the future (LOVE what they've done with Young's covers). I'll have to look up Katie's as well.

    Thanks for the suggestions!!! :)
