Friday, December 13, 2013

Busy, Busy Bee

I’ve never been able to juggle.

The concept of keeping two things up in the air while holding a third always mystified me – and resulted in more than a few bruised apples. Lately I’ve been trying to juggle something a little bit more difficult than fruit. Specifically, my job and my writing and my personal life (because I actually have one of those now – yay!).  A few apples have been dropped along the way, but for the most part it’s been going pretty well.

Since this blog focuses (mostly) around my writing, I won’t bore you with the details of my job (cold, horses, cold) or my personal life (awesome, awesome, awesome) but I can definitely let you know what I’ve been working on writing wise.

First and foremost, I’m hustling to get A NIGHT WITHOUT STARS ready for it’s January release (exact date to follow!). The cover reveal is coming up soon, and I’ll continue to post little excerpts here and there. I am super, super excited for this novel and I can’t WAIT for all of you to get the chance to read it! If you haven’t done so already, make sure to add it to your Goodreads TBR list.

With the recent publication of THE RISQUE RESOLUTION and THE SPINSTER AND THE DUKE on Kobobooks, I now have my work spread across three distribution channels (the other two being Amazon and Barnes & Noble). I’m confident Amazon will continue to be #1 as far as sales go, but I want to give readers as much flexibility as possible when it comes to where they prefer to buy their books.

THE RUNAWAY DUCHESS will be available in paperback this spring and is currently undergoing one final round of print edits.

In February all the novellas from the WEDDED WOMEN QUARTET plus THE WINTER WISH will be available on Barnes & Noble and Kobobooks in addition to Amazon.

The first novella in a new historical romance quartet is scheduled for a tentative February release. More information to follow.

I have an author interview with Timeless Quills on January 6th. Once it’s up I’ll post a link on my Facebook page.

In January I will start working on my next full-length historical romance novel, which (happy dance) will feature Miles and Dianna as the hero and heroine. If you don’t know who they are, check out ‘The Runaway Duchess’ and ‘The Spinster and the Duke’. At this point I’m not even going to try giving you a release date, but know that it will happen at some point in the coming year!

So that’s it. That’s everything I’m juggling in the writing department.

In an attempt to be more organized I’m going to put together a calendar of releases, book cover reveals, interviews, reviews, and free book deals. That will most likely go on my Facebook page, so if you’re not following me PLEASE DO SO by clicking here. 

As always, thank you for all of your love and support! You guys are the best. 

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