Tuesday, February 26, 2013

International Reviews

It still boggles my mind that people from countries outside the old US of A buy my books. Courtesy of Amazon, I'm able to sell to ten (TEN!) different countries. Not all of them are that interested in what I have to offer, but the top five are:

1) USA
2) England
3) Germany
4) Canada
5) France

Since I don't speak German or French, and I certainly don't write in another language, I think that is pretty cool. Oh, Amazon. You really are the bees knees. Occasionally I visit the Amazon site for one particular country (amazon.co.uk is the URL for England, amazon.de for Germany, etc.) just to see if my books are garnering any interest and/or any new reviews have been posted. The review count certainly doesn't compare to what I get on regular ol' www.amazon.com, but neither do the sales, so that's to be expected. Just the same, I thought I would share a couple of my international reviews, because let's be honest: having someone review your work from another country is pretty bad ass. 

From England (www.amazon.co.uk)

A Gentle Grace
Format:Kindle Edition
I bought the first book in this series ' A Brooding Beauty' and enjoyed it so much I logged in to read reviews of authors other books and decide this one looked promising. It was a delightful read and I looked forward to finishing it when I had to put it down. The reason I did not give it the full 5 stars was because I felt the couple lacked an overwhelmingly passion for each other. 4/5 Stars.

A Ravishing Redhead
By L.
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Really liked this. Its short, sexy and full of misunderstandings that could have been put right so very easily, but this is the "land of fiction" and without the misunderstandings, their wouldn't have been a book! I will read more from this author, especially around this price bracket, which is right for this book. 4/5 Stars.

A Brooding Beauty
By Reneree
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Lovely book. Really enjoyed it. Will be reading more books by this author. Am looking forward to finding out what happens to her friends. 5/5 Stars. 

From Germany (www.amazon.de)

The Winter Wish
Von maMadame
Format:Kindle Edition|Von Amazon bestÃĪtigter Kauf
Nette kleine Regency Liebesgeschichte zwischen einem scheuen Mauerbluemchen und einem Lord sich mit voller Absicht nicht die Muehe macht sich die Gesichter oder auch nur die Namen der Frauen zu merken mit denen er z.B. tanzt geschweigeden schlaeft. Devlin ist ein Rake ersten Grades und in genau den hat sich Sara das Mauerbluemchen verliebt, weiss aber wie unrealistisch diese Vernarrtheit ist und sie weiss genau was Devlin fuer sie kein Mann ist und er keine Ahnung hat dass es sie ueberhaupt gibt, nicht mal wenn sie dirket vor ihm steht. Aus dem Grund ueberwindet sie ihre scheue Zurueckhaltung und sagt ihm beim ersten und womoeglichen einzigen Kennenlernn auf den Kopf zu, was sie ueber sein Verhalten allgemein denkt, aber nicht ihren Namen. Den wuerde er ja so oder so gleich wieder vergessen, warum sich also die Muehe einer Vorstellung machen. Das bewirkt nun, dass Devlin sich ihrer staendig erinnert... Unrealistisch, ja! aber so gut erzaehlt in der Kuerze, dass man es nachvollziehen kann, warum er die unscheinbare Sara nicht aus dem Kopf bekommt. Suess, seicht, ein wenig sexy und humorvoll erzaehlt, was will man mehr, eine (fast) perfekte Kurzgschichte. 5/5 Stars. (does anyone out there speak German?!)

To all of my international readers: I LOVE YOU! You're awesome. Seriously. To prove it, this cute kitten gif is JUST for you. 

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