Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wedded Women Quartet UPDATES

For those of you who have been following the Wedded Women Quartet (A Brooding Beauty, A Ravishing Redhead, and A Lascivious Lady) then you know that the fourth and final installment, A Gentle Grace, is due for release... soon. Originally I had planned on November (as in NEXT MONTH!) but as it tends to do sometimes, life (and a healthy huge dose of writers block) got in the way. Wanting to give Grace everything she deserves for waiting so patiently for her story to be written, I have a tentative release date scheduled for December. Please don't be angry with me. I am positively thrilled that so many of you are waiting for A Gentle Grace -- thrilled and terrified. I honestly don't know how the writers of the great trilogies and series did it. Here I am, with a measly little novella quartet, and I'm quaking in my boots hoping I won't disappoint anyone.

I am planning on a first page reveal soon, so stay tuned for that. I also thought it would be fun to show the first page I originally wrote, followed by the first page that I ended up with. They are vastly different, and have taken me in two completely opposite directions. I'm just glad I stuck it out and waited for the second instead of settling for the first. Patience, dear writers and readers. It really is a virtue. 

For those of you who HAVEN'T started the Wedded Women Quartet, here is my present to you: A Brooding Beauty, the first novella, will be free this Sunday on Amazon from 12:00AM - 12:00PM Pacific time. The best thing about starting a quartet that is nearly finished? You don't have to wait to read the other books! Catherine & Marcus still have a fond place in my heart, as they were the two that started it all -- although I had just as much fun creating happily-ever-afters for Margaret and Josephine. I'm a little sad that once A Gentle Grace is released I will have to say goodbye to all of the characters, but I have a sneaking suspicion they will pop up again... Sooner than you might think. ;) 

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